How to get Free Fire Invisible Space name Easily

Free Fire Invisible Space is one of the popular name tricks. After using this trick, your profile will become unique and mysterious, which will increase its importance. The trick works using Unicode 3164 and invisible Braille characters.
Invisible names make one stand out from the other players. Most of the players use symbols or fonts but only a few with blank names. That way, the identity becomes a bit rare and unique. There is also a satisfying feel to it. A player may take much time to identify you in a game or track down to trace you back.
It doesn’t have to be for display. It can be fun and may even provide a slight tactical edge to the player. Cool-named people are noticed more; nobody will notice you much with an invisible name. It’s subtle and has an impact.
What is Unicode 3164?
It’s called Hangul Filler and adds Braille characters to the spaces in your name. Make your name invisible using the Unicode 3164 (U+3164), which fills a space with your name.
The following Braille characters are also invisible. Using both of these codes, a Unicode 3164 along with Braille characters, they form a completely blanked-out name. This whole procedure is technically-sounding but follows the next very easy steps:.
How to Get an Invisible Name?
Here is how you can get an invisible name in Free Fire:

- Open Your Notes App: First of all, open the Notes app on your phone.
- Copy Unicode 3164: Find out the Unicode 3164 on the internet. After searching for Unicode 3164, select it and copy it.
- Insert Braille Characters: After that, you will get 5-6 undetectable Braille character after Unicode 3164 on the internet
- Copy Every Text: After copying the braille character place them just after the Unicode 3164. Now copy everything that is in your screenshot, i.e., it should have the Unicode 3164 + Braille inserted
- Open Free Fire: Now, open Free Fire and navigate through your profile.
- Change Your Name: Now, click on the name change option. Copy the text invisibly and confirm it. It will cost you 390 diamonds or a name change card.
Advantages of Invisible Name
Invisible name has numerous advantages such as following:
- Unique Identification: Not everybody’s cup of tea. You would be unique to all those other players.
- Intrigue of Not Knowing One’s Name: Nobody knows your name in-game, which gives it a bit of mystery.
- Tactical Advantage: When things get intense, sometimes the enemies find it a bit of a hassle to see you.
- But this name is just a hidden one, kind of. It’s fun but not very important. It won’t help you play any better, but it does make you look cooler.
Cool Alternative Invisible Names
Or there are many ways that might make a name stand out. You can use some special characters, symbols or cool fonts for your name. Here is a short list of a few such ideas:

- Add Special Characters : Use characters like,, or to make the name different.
- Use Cool Fonts : Use online generators that generate fancy fonts that you may copy and then paste in the game.
- Mix Upper and Lowercase Letters: Alternate between upper and lowercase letters to style your name.
You can’t make them invisible, but these names will still give you a unique look in Free Fire.
Problems with Invisible Names
It isn’t a trick without blemishes. The invisible name trick is fun and comes with a couple of issues:
- Visibility: Your name will be blank, confusing some teammates.
- Name Change Card: You can only change your name if you have diamonds or a name change card.
- Cost of Name Change in Free Fire: In Free Fire, the change of name doesn’t come for free. This will cost 390 diamonds. You may buy it through in-app purchases and also earn it. If you have a card for change of name then use this card, so it doesn’t cost you diamonds either.
Even with all these minor drawbacks, invisible names are still worth a shot if you want something quite unique and creative in this game.
Invisible Names for Mobile
The most common use of mobiles is to play Free Fire. Luckily, the steps to make an invisible name on mobile are very easy to follow. All you need to do is just adhere to the above procedure. Copying and pasting the required characters using text editor or notes application is a pretty convenient process.
If you are unable to find any Braille characters or Unicode 3164, then make use of the internet. So many websites have these characters available and you can get hold of them from those pages.
The Invisible Space trick in Free Fire is one of the very simple and entertaining ways you might want to customize your name. It gives your profile some sort of unique mystery feeling. You can design your name in the game fully blank using Unicode 3164 along with Braille characters.
Such a trick is rare to the game, but the invisible name trick is well worth those diamonds or that name-change card for someone who must stand out.
If something new is up your alley, then try the invisible name trick. A few easy steps into your free-fire name and shock the opponents with a name that will not be seen!